General information

BURGAN INSURANCE COMPANY S.A.L. was established in Lebanon in 1983 under the name of Arab Life insurance s.a.l., and is registered in Beirut under CRB number 47525 & under number 200 in the Register of Insurance Companies, in March 2010 the name was changed to Burgan Insurance Company s.a.l. to reflect our new image & determination to position the company as one of the leading players in the Lebanese market.

Quick Details
  • Contact's Name:
    General Manager:
  • Corporate Capital
  • Year Established
    Established: 1983
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Head Office:
BAC Center, 11th. Floor, Justinien Street, Sanayeh, Beirut
P.O.Box 11-7338 Riad Al-Solh 11072240 Beirut - Lebanon
Tel.: +961 1 751 851
Fax: +961 1 742 569

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